hurricane fortification

  • Determine sources of information about storm, if any exist
  • Replenish stock of non-perishable chocolate
  • Replenish stock of non-perishable vodka
  • Ensure flashlight works so chocolate and vodka can be found
  • Replenish first aid kit
  • Buy first aid kit
  • Wonder why the stores always sell out of milk when prolonged power outages are imminent
  • Get cash from ATM for poker and craps games
  • Find out where Weather Channel sent Jim Cantore
  • He’s within 40 miles of where I live?
  • Medicate
  • Listen to politicians blame each other for existence of hurricanes
  • Listen to politicians not blame God
  • Medicate liberally
  • Check Facebook and Twitter feeds for other tales of woe to reassure self
  • See homemade videos on YouTube from morons on Outer Banks
  • Note how many hits the moron videos got
  • Find hatches; batten them down
  • Head to beach with camera
  1. Glad you’re okay. Curious to find out how much alcohol remains.


  2. Printed and tacked to the fridge… thanks man!


  3. Glad you weathered the storm. Can’t wait to see those stormy beach photos!


  4. rangewriter says:

    I don’t know exactly where you live, but from here, it doesn’t look there was any safe place to be yesterday.I hope you and yours survived with spirit and sense of humor still intact.


  5. You seem well fortified. And nothing on the counter will spoil, so you don’t have to worry about soured milk.


  6. Rick says:

    Be careful out there.


  7. haha! I’d definitely be down at the beach. I’m just that kind of moron, I guess. 🙂


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