rocky hill

Posted: January 6, 2014 in New Jersey, Photography
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Typical single family home

Typical single family home

Rocky Hill is a small borough in central New Jersey, part of the larger Montgomery Township. It is primarily residential. A few scattered businesses, a couple of eateries, a church, post office and fire house also call it home. There is really not much cause to make Rocky Hill your destination, save the restaurants. This is a small shame since the town, though modest, is quite lovely. In many ways it seems as if time decided to skip past Rocky Hill. Mature trees still drape side streets. Houses are old with large porches designed for watching the world go by. The First Reformed Church was built over 150 years ago and remains unencumbered by modern flourishes. Sidewalks are meant for strolling and people smile when you say hello. Even the name of the main street (the Georgetown-Franklin Turnpike, aka County Road 518) pretty much sums up why most people go there – they are headed somewhere else and are just passing through. Just passing through. I’m sure 700 or so folks who call Rocky Hill home don’t mind that one bit.

First Reformed Church hovers in the background

First Reformed Church hovers in the background

The Rocky Hill Inn

The Rocky Hill Inn

The Rocky Hill Fire Department, all volunteer

The Rocky Hill Fire Department, all volunteer

What sits behind the municipal building

What sits behind the municipal building


  1. That is quite pretty and old-timey, isn’t it. I’ve never been down that way, but the Rocky Hill Inn Eatery & Tavern looks like it would be nice. Welcome back, by the way!


  2. Patti Kuche says:

    Rocky Hill sounds too good to be true and I can’t think of a better travel destination when passing through than good restaurants! Happy New Year John!


  3. Rick says:

    Glad to see you back.


  4. Kayjai says:

    Nice town. Reminds me of a town in Maine we passed through. Old and picturesque….


  5. Lisa says:

    I love towns that everyone else just passes through – there is usually a treasure or two that they miss when they don’t stop. That second photo is really, really lovely.


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