Posts Tagged ‘fashion’

It’s interesting I immediately equate this topic to women. The idea of a “common thread”, at least in the context of this project, implies it is universal to most, if not all, people. However, when it comes to sexual modesty the consideration men might display this characteristic as often as women simply did not occur to me. Perhaps I’ve watched too many sporting events where men have absolutely no hesitation painting (more…)

This morning I stumbled upon The Catalog of Cool, a book published in 1982 and purchased around the same time. It was tucked away in a low corner of a bookcase, long forgotten. Edited by Gene Sculatti, a contributor to Rolling Stone magazine in the 1970’s, The Catalog of Cool gives us…well, let’s hear it straight from the editor’s typewriter. (more…)

My friend Tracey crafts wonderful scarves, cowls, neck warmers, and baby hats, among other goodies. She recently asked if the lovely Ms. Trask and the effervescent Red would consent to modeling a selection of her hand-knitted cowls and, if in the process, I could photograph them for (more…)