Posts Tagged ‘lovely Ms. Trask’


For several decades Caryn’s grandparents owned a chicken farm. They stopped raising chickens further back than Caryn’s memories take her and sold the property about 30 years ago when they retired. I have heard stories about the farm, but never had a chance to see it. So on a glorious Saturday afternoon we impulsively (more…)

We’re spending several days in New Orleans, or as people who think they know what the locals call it but seriously don’t have a clue, N’awlins. So we’re here in N’awlins because the lovely Ms. Trask is attending a conference with her professional peeps. Me, I’m just along for my spectacular company and stellar restaurant scouting skills.

It is my second time in N’awlins, but the first time was so long ago and for such a short amount of time this might as well be my maiden voyage. About the only thing I remember from that previous trip was going to Pat O’Brien’s Piano Bar and drinking an evil concoction or three known as a Hurricane which, in retrospect, may be (more…)

Several weeks ago the lovely Ms. Trask and I took a short holiday 700+ miles due south to the Palmetto State, South Carolina. The palmetto is South Carolina’s state tree and it looks like, as you might imagine, a palm tree. Seeing palm trees in what, to the mild November eye, appeared to be a decidedly non-tropical environment is an odd, though not unpleasant site. The images the uninitiated have of South Carolina may include plantations, shrimpers, marshlands, beaches, and (more…)

cute couple

Back in April the lovely Ms. Trask, Red, the sister unit and her brood, and I spent a few hours at the New Jersey Folk Festival. While I do enjoy listening to local bands cut their teeth my secret pleasure is this event provides me with a terrific opportunity to photograph people I don’t know. I like to think you can surmise a lot about a person when you catch them in (more…)

So tomorrow we head out for a vacation, a spot of holiday as it were. We are jetting across the pond for a spell. Not like a voodoo spell. At least that is what I have been told. You know, I’ve always thought it weird someone somewhere once decided to refer to the Atlantic Ocean as a “pond.” Apparently they had a really skewed understanding of what a pond is. If an ocean is a pond, what does that make a pond? A puddle? And if a pond is a puddle (more…)

The deserted beach in Wildwood

I’ve tagged along with the lovely Ms. Trask to the southernmost southern part of New Jersey while she attends a conference. We’re camped in the pretty town of Cape May which has the distinction of being designated a National Historic Landmark. Not just a few of the cool buildings, of which there are plenty. The entire freakin’ town. So while she is (more…)

#10 Columbia Trail

Yesterday Red, the lovely Ms. Trask, my sister and her handsome brood spent part of the afternoon walking along the Columbia Trail in northern Jersey. It was my sis’ suggestion, a way to get out and enjoy the weather, threatening as it was. She and her running coven regularly (more…)

I have this idea for a gut-splitting hilarious post which will surely be the highlight of your life. I fully intended on banging it out this morning as to give you a nice weekend boost. However, it looks like I’m going to pass on it which is unfortunate for you. And since the subject is highly time-sensitive, that particular brilliant (more…)

Last night Red, the lovely Ms. Trask and I were buried under a myriad of blankets catching up on recent episodes of New Girl. In the midst of this mindless diversion came news that Whitney Houston had died. My reaction was a sadly familiar one: How awful, but not terribly surprising. Of course I was presupposing (more…)

There’s no better time to incur debt than during a prolonged recession. Over the past six months or so the lovely Ms. Trask and I have contemplated upgrading the kitchen. Actually, so much in the house demands attention that it’s almost impossible to know where to start. But every home improvement guru I hear and every home improvement article I read preach from the same gospel. When it comes to selling your home the biggest (more…)