Posts Tagged ‘legacy’

Tom Petty has been gone for three months, but it still doesn’t feel real. Since the mid-70’s he has always been there doing his thing without much fanfare, like bedrock. His songs, especially the earlier ones, routinely pop up on classic rock stations. Whenever that happens the volume gets boosted a bit. Part of the reason is the songs are solid; the other is they offer warm familiarity. This may be true of all music you enjoyed as a kid, but not all of that music endures. Petty endures, like bedrock.

I was never a superfan, but I like a lot of his work – and love some of it. I saw him live for the first and only time in 1979. Back then huge video screens did not flank the stage, so unless (more…)

Last night Red, the lovely Ms. Trask and I were buried under a myriad of blankets catching up on recent episodes of New Girl. In the midst of this mindless diversion came news that Whitney Houston had died. My reaction was a sadly familiar one: How awful, but not terribly surprising. Of course I was presupposing (more…)